Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Crazy Faith – New Life skit 26 March 2006

[Two people, sitting in a boat, holding fishing poles]

One: This is the life!

Two: Sure is.

One: So how did you find this lake, anyhow?

Two: This is my grandpa’s lake, actually. He knew the guy who owns the land around it, and his son still lets me have a key to the gate out on the county road.

One: So you’ve been fishing here a long time?

Two: Yep. With grandpa, with my dad while he was living, and as long as I can get out on the water.

One: Well, then, I’m downright honored you invited me out here.

Two: Hey, I learned one thing from both of them. Fishing alone is fine, but fishing with a buddy is better. Plus there’s someone to pull you out if you fall in.

One: Or push you in . . .

Two: That’s why you have to pick ‘em careful.

One: OK, either way, I’m honored. This is nice, even if we aren’t catching much.

Two: I told you, there are fish in here. You just have to be patient.

One: Your grandpa have any stories about giant ol’ catfish down on the bottom?

Two: Oh, he had stories. He had me believing as a little kid he could walk on water.

One: You really looked up to him, didn’t you?

Two: Yeah, but I mean he had me thinkin’ he actually could walk on the water.

One: (slow take, looks at Two) During the winter, right? When it was frozen?

Two: Hah! I’ve used that joke myself. No, he’d talk while we fished about watching your feet when the ripples came by, not tripping and falling with a splash; he’d think out loud about wandering over to shore to get something and then decide not to.

One: This run in the family?

Two: Well, the big talkin’ sure did, but he didn’t mean to scare me or anything. Just a grandpa having fun with their kids.

(pause, fishing)

One: But he never did, right?

Two: What?

One: Walk on the water?

Two: Not when I was around, no. Wouldn’t have surprised me. It was like he figured he could, and he might, but not right now.

One: Do you think someone could walk on water?

Two: You know the stories.

One: You mean, um, Jesus?

Two: And Peter.

One: But those are Bible stories, not stuff that really happened.

Two: (looks sideways at One) You think?

One: No, not miracles and stuff. That’s not, well, real.

Two: Hmmm. We got physicists that say stuff goes through stuff, like atoms and photons and electrons, and no one sys that’s crazy. Sometimes things are one thing, and then another. (pause) Somedays, I think about grandpa, and I think, you know, I probably ought to be able to walk on water if I put my mind to it.

One: Right. Well, if you do, bring my spoon lure back from the truck, wouldya?

Two: (swings one foot over the side) And if I fall in, you’ll pull me in?

One: You’re not gonna try it, are you?

Two: (pulling foot back) Nah, I’m not in the right frame of mind.

One: (stares directly at Two) But you really think you could, in the right frame of mind?

Two: (long pauses) Maybe. Maybe. At least if I waited ‘til winter…

(both laugh, go back to fishing)

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